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Dude Bro Name

(n.) Used by EroldStory; a generic name for an athletic and/or popular person. Some examples include Brent, Brody, Kyle, Chad, Dylan, Josh, Tanner, Brad, etc. These names can be followed by or before "Dude, Bro".

Guy 1: oH, hEY bRAd!
Guy 2: SUp, dYlaN?
Guy 3: Did you hear that?
Guy 4: Hear what?
Guy 3: Those peoples' names! A name like Dylan is a fine example of a Dude Bro Name.

by DaPwettyPwincess October 7, 2018


Vet-Bro is a term used by younger Soldiers that are triggered knowing that they couldn't hack it back in the day and by older Soldiers trying way too hard to be woke and politically correct.

Vet-Bros with their back in the day comments.

by Ssgthobro March 28, 2022

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orchestrated bro-fart

a phenomenon that occurs when two or more "bros" expel gases from the rectum in a harmonized manner creating a symphony of flatulations.

My bro-stack, Will, farted an octave lower than my fart. Together our farts sounded like Oak Ridge Boys classical song Elvira. That was totally an orchestrated bro-fart.

by drickhurt August 1, 2011

you good bro

What Logan Paul ask and say to people in his vlogs and made merch of.

Are you good bro is asking are you ok and if not what's wrong

by Genesis hersley August 7, 2017

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spider bro

A bro (friend) that does a favor for you without asking.

Spider Man anticipates danger, a Spider Bro anticipates the needs of a fellow bro.

John: Damn I gotta alotta things to do today.

Joe: Chill out bro, I already picked up your dry cleaning and

returned your movies!

John: Thanks alot spider bro!

by magana91 July 19, 2011

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Oral Hygiene Bro

A user of 4chan's /a/ board, who, starting October 2010, started writing a story where he was inspired to brush his little sister's teeth after watching Nisemonogatari's infamous toothbrush scene. Eventually, it got to the point that they married and had a child together. He kept posting for about 3 years, until August 2013, when he was never heard from again. Nobody knows if the story is real, but nobody can prove that it's false either.

Aidan: "yo have you heard of that one Oral Hygiene Bro who fucked his sister"
Bob: "Yeah that's some messed up shit"

by genericmiatafanboy March 3, 2021

Super Smash Bros

The best game series in existence.

Fuck fortnite. Super Smash Bros is a real man's game.

by Kramerkape October 5, 2018

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