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The Taco Talks

A modern history book, podcast, radio channel, dj, graphic designer, photographer, veterinary expert bible combined into all forms of marketing. A brand anyone can reach out to. The Taco Talks who goes by multiple names; MLE, Robyn Cobb, Robyy Cobb, Kristen Wright, and TacoTheCatEmily is the host of all the platforms this News Reel is on spotify podcast, wordpress, website

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Snapchat Site, yo!

by tacochatcat January 11, 2021

nuid talk

a true politic talk

One of the country chieves has added:-ull! I say is but a nuid talk!

by now name January 31, 2023

talking monkies

the most awsome thing known to man

dude, those talking monkies is so fuxin awsome

by the talkin monkey with a hat October 24, 2008

Talk to the Judge

Take a dump. My Navajo grandma would use this expression.

Pull over I need to talk to the judge

by Mike Boneman December 24, 2022

why did we ever stop talking?

it can be a flirty way of saying they want to talk more

why did we ever stop talking? - IM IN LOVE

by jjthepissgiant December 29, 2022

Smol talk

Smol talking is when a short ass gets cocky and attempts to sass you while forgetting you're the prince of smart-assery.

Hey Leo, she's engaging in Smol talk again. Go sort them out.

by LudicrouslyLeo October 18, 2023

Sperm Talk

When someone is completely lying and trying to talk themselves up

Joe: "I just hit my 6-leg parlay and I'm rich now"
Lynzie: "Sperm Talk

by stwingey January 8, 2024