Receiving unsolicited links to porn from a friend or co-worker as a prank. Primarily done as a way to frame the recipient of viewing pornographic material while still at work/school.
"Mr. Weed, I can explain. I've been a victim of porn mail, I'm not even gay!"
Posts from news outlets alluding to "mysterious death" to which antivaxxers come out and post things like "Safe and Effective" or "How many jabs did they have?
Headline - "Australian suddenly dies at the age of 56"
Cookers response - "Safe and effective, doctors are baffled"
Others in the comment - "Geez this post is just Cooker Porn"
A sentence funni sentence used to describe people having sexual intercourse.
Hey dude wanna watch some sex porn sexy sex porn
Flower torture porn are acts of unfairly torturing Flower from the animated web series called “Battle For Dream Island” this theme is most commonly used in BFDIA. specifically in BFDIA 11, BFDIA 12, etc.
Flower torture porn is so cruel, she does not deserve this treatment.
My teacher in Religion class was talking about this and I thought I would consult the boys on Urban Dictionary. Yeah its like porn without like penetration. Cheers
Soft porn is like porn without sex lol
Something Kylie and her friends recreate
Kylie and her friends love porn…!