When you show up to class or work on a different drug for a week. Bonus points if it's a hard to be in public drug. Also important to note that trap week can happen at any week anywhere as long as more than one person is partaking.
Yo, you partaking in the trap week that Jim is setting up next week?
When you rub sandpaper on your condom so when you stick it inside a girl it grips like hell
Guy: “I just finished setting up the sand trap.”
Girl: “It’s gonna grip like crazy”
You rub sandpaper on your condom so it is grippier, and you stick it inside a girl.
Guy 1: “Hey how was last night?”
Guy 2: “It was great. I used the sand trap on her.”
Guy 1: “Nice.”
Having a theme that makes you look cool, such as putting the shaka close you your face sticking your tongue out looking high as hell. This is usually what young rappers do, trying to prove you are cool and party a lot. Also in a dark room with your camera flash on
Friend: Dude this party is lit
Soundcloud rappers: Yeah bro lets have a trap theme to show we can party hard.
Far worse than ur mum gay and ur dad lesbian
13 year old 1: “ur mum gay”
13 year old 2: “no u”
13 year old 1: “your uncle trap”
13 year old 2: *crying*
When a fuck a chick in the ass hole and your dick get stuck because you forgot to use lube....
I fucked Sharon in the ass but forgot to use lube so my dick got stuck in her ass... She suck a venis cock trap.
The Portuguese Dick Trap occurs when a small Portuguese woman called "Justa" seduces a man and she uses her ancient power to tighten around his dick, taking control of his mind and making him a slave until she takes his dick out.
Dude! Tyrone got taken by the Portuguese Dick Trap!