A gay guy that all the guys wanna play with. he has a 46 inch dick and its very tasty. he is outgoing and did i mention hes gay?
i wanna suck grayson p. bruns' dick
Black Kid has the mf key ... is a great bf . He loves women , women love him in fact any women must be lucky enough to be with this guy because he is mf picky and uh loves cheesecake . Yea dat way!
Guy: Freddy P got the muhhfuckin key
Girl: Fredrick P is bae
Kyla P is a absolutely adorable! She makes the best tacos you’ll ever have and will love you forever. She’s super easy going, easy to talk to and will be with you always. If you have a Kyla, she’s a brat, but a loveable one. Keep her close.
Person: Who’s that cute lil brat over there?
Me: That’s Kyla P. my lil emo brat.
myles is, in short, the ultimate opp
he sleeps with wet hair and accuses people of being horny
he doesnt like his spanish teacher which means he is lame
he wishes he were as tall as i am with platforms
oh my god youre such a myles p??? like youre the most annoying person ever
Some are cool and some are not, the ones that are cool are usually the ones that care deeply about you and treat everyone with respect, The ones that are not cool might ignore you and disrespect everyone by using slurs they aren't supposed to use or something idk.
Eric p.
The final stage of finite boredom.
A: I am zaxqsc1wdv2efb3rgn4thm5yj,6uk.7il/8o;9p'0-=\ZAXQSC!WDV@EFB#RGN$THM%YJ<^UK>&IL?*O:(P"){_}+|.
B: I am only qazqwertyuiopwsxasdfghjkledczxcvbnmrfvtgbyhnujmikolp
C: I am only qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
D: I am super bored.
A, B, and C: you are the least bored of us.
The gayest man alive. He loves to fuck little kids and will suck dick for free. He has no bitches and loves dick. He loves to suck his own dick too.
“Look at that Eli P.”