Leaving things, especially school assignments to the very last minute
It's due today, oh he's pulling an Alex.
Pulling an Alex is a term used to refer to when someone references an obscure film or media to their friends that know nothing about it.
Person: What?
Person: Ugh he's Pulling an Alex
when you get hacked while going to get cereal
“Man I clicked on a fake link and I ended up pulling an Alex.”
When you have been playing for a sports team for a long time and never contribute
Damn you're so bad you're pulling an Alex
The art of getting a nose blood at the most random time.
Russell was pulling an Alex during church. He got a nosebleed out of nowhere.
Alex KWan is a notorious gang leader who will take all your food and eat them
Ohhh crap ALEX KWAN is coming!!
A girl who loves san choy bow and baba ganoush. She is a beast at roblox.
Hey whos alex?
Alex meilak! the queen of san choy bow roblox!