Rockwood South middle school is a school in Saint Louis County field with major douchebags and rich kids. If you are not rich you are probably one of those weird ass kids
Luke went to Rockwood South Middle School, he must be rich
worse place in the history of the world where dumb kids get in fights everyday and everyone is rude and petty
Le mars middle school is a school for kids.
the most homophobic and racist school ever
Brad: have u ever been to greenwood lake middle school?
Chad: i hear that’s the most homophobic place out there
a prison full of marijuana run by the white boys who constantly say the n word
Eve: did you hear about that marijuana farm prison?
Apple: yeah what’s it called again?
Eve: greenwood lake middle
greenwood lake middle school is gross
Ahhhh, the most horrible middle school ever. 5-8 grades, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING putting puny little 5th graders with 8th graders!!!!! where girls go vsco EVERY FREKIN DAY. cliques are SUPER important, as they determine your role
me: Madison #1 middle school sucks
entire internet: ?
1. A poorly organized event
2. Anything that does not go according to plan for the worse
The food was cold and the DJ showed up an hour late; prom was a middle-eastern shit festival
A building full of girls who think there hot/popular but in reality there just covering up there pain. And the boys also think there popular but there are also just covering up the pain and if they don't get enough attention they will bully/make fun of people to get more attention.
The boys and girls at Hardin valley middle school are douch bags