The reaction, typically by a white “ally” of people of color, to a minority or person of color who chooses to vote outside of the political alignment they are expected to be loyal to as a member of their race.
Tyrone told some of his white friends that he was voting Republican instead of Democrat. They shared all kinds of racist memes about him, called him racial slurs, absolutely awful stuff. They could not help but cracking the whip on him for what they called “voting wrong.”
yeh i thought it was a pretty good definition ive also been saying yes to all your definitions they are pretty good ngl
yo have you heard of Big craigs crack dealership
yeah they are pretty good at definitions
fuck off bitch my name is michael you asshole all you do is suck cock all day
wow Big craigs crack dealership is a fucking cocksucker
These are the girls on their snap chat stories who always have their hoodies on their head and their tight as fuck, and think kicking a wall is cRaCk HeAd EnErGy and their friends scream it and think it’s “funny”.
“Oh my god Emily don’t their gonna hear us oh my god crack head energy”
The famous words of my friend Lucas because he was out of breath!
I’m so cracked out of ass right now!
When you can see someone’s ass crack poking out of their pants you shout “crack on”.
Look at jerry’s ass, “crack on”!
When one cracks a beer with one hand.
Brooo did you just see Chad frat crack that natty!