The disability of acquiring a means of transport, usually used by a "Flaker" or "Loafer" as a pathetic excuse to serve their own condition.
"NO RIDE DOESNT MEAN FLAKE" -Carson (a known "Flaker")
Is when you pay for the fare and in the morning you wish you never had taken the ride. The act of sleeping with a prostitute or permiscous gold digger.
Man last night me and charlie were riding the bus. Hope I don't catch the clap.
Driving around the rez with a car full of your no good cousins, with no license. Not even a family license. Usually done as a pre-teen before you could see over the dashboard.
"Jaaayz, that no goot nephew of mine just got stopped rez riding, now he has to pay a fine. Doesn't even have a license that guy."
Czechoslovakian motorcycle ride: while a girl gives you a blowjob, you are holding the hair on either side of her head, with your fingers intertwined into her hair. At random moments you hold her head down as far as she can manage, not letting her up until you feel a gentle tear landing on your lap, or other indicator that she’s had enough.
I was in bed with Irene last night, and I totally yanked her head down and gave her a Czechoslovakian motorcycle ride
Bucket ride is lacking a brain.
Ally and Broden bucket ride.
Sarcastic reference to how some gals require guys' "equipment" to be a certain minimum length in order to be allowed to "climb in da saddle".
If you don't want a gal to tell you dat, "You must be this tall to ride (me)", then don't YOU tell HER dat SHE needs to have a minimum BOOB-size to satisfy YOU, either!