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A person named Daniel is probably gay there's a 78% chance you are if your name is Daniel, they are sometimes annoying but its ok because we still love our Daniels <3

Guy1: whats his name?
Guy2: Daniel
Guy1: makes sense

by Doireallyneedtohaveanick? November 2, 2020


Daniel is the world's most amazing person he is funny cute and smart when he wants to be he is always wearing his vans and jeans or adidas sweats his hair is brown and his eyes are dreamy he can draw but it may not look the best he is an amazing boyfriend and is very loyal overall Daniel is probably the cutest hottest sexiestand funniest person you will ever meet

Daniel, hot, funny, and loyal guy who will make your day better than ever and will leave a smile on your face.

by hayhaygirl December 12, 2018


Daniel is an arsonist and likes to set stuff on fire and blow stuff up

Jason Dean is a daniel

by NataliaRomanov November 21, 2022


He is a really cool guy and is the best at games, nobody compares.

Daniel is amazing at clash royale

by Mee-6 April 12, 2022


my true love he is my everything i literally love him but ive only talked to him once HEEHEE

Someone: are you daniel?
Daniel: HEEHEE
Someone: yup

by i dont know what i am December 10, 2021


Daniels are the sweetest boys you will ever meet! They are protective and also sassy when you get on the crazy side with them. Daniels usually play baseball but some prefer Football. Daniels will care about you even if your not there’s, they will take the best of care for you and keep you safe till the end of time. Daniels are drop dead HOT!!

JJ: Hey gorgeous got a boyfriend?

Me: Mhm right there!

Daniel: *hugs you from behind* Back off dude she’s mine!

by +*Barrelracer*+ February 24, 2022


Turd just turd

Hi daniel
Daniel: What the heck man

by kittentoes102 December 18, 2022