Means your girl think you sexy
Throw up the 4,s
Girl throws up 4,s
Throwing up 4,s is defined That means she thinks he is sexy
This phrase means that a person is lacking in intelligence, not through any form of retardation but a lack of trying.
Brittney: "What is an Intelligence Quotient?"
Teacher: "You mean an IQ, the thing we have been discussing for the last 10 minutes."
Friend of Brittney: "Seems like your lacking number 4."
Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 4 is Tords favorite movie
The catchphrase of a bum from Benton Harbor Michigan, used as an exclamation for a perceived win. Usually these "wins" are actually catastrophic losses, like driving 9 hours to see a bitch but instead of hitting it firing up Youtube.
I smashed that crackhead from the back while she was still flicking the lighter, Huuuuuuuuuuuuhhh 4 REAL!
A state of boredom so ungodly that one types all of the keys that have a shift alternative with the original key first, then the shift key next, in a left-to-right fashion. If you see this, please get back to your assignment.
I typed `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:'",<.>/? today because I was so bored that I had the immediate urge to type in whatever this is.
means your madly in love w sav no questions asked
mr marinaro was throwin up 4’s for sav🙀🤫