Someone who’s farts would wipe out a entire nation, smells like dirty clothes and socks, and virtually makes no money
gay, thinks his esh cause he vapes, listens to ksi and rice gum, but has a rlly hot chick
jude: wow adam mason is really gay
max: ye but he has a hot girl friend
A jerk off kind of guy, thinks everything is funny when no one else does. Can’t ever get a girl to save his life and is always getting his ass beat. He’s a trouble making kid which every math teacher hates and his average dick size is about 1 inch
“I’m gonna beat Adam Nusz ass today
intransitive verb
To revolve rapidly from the hands of an Adam.
To feel as if in a whirl by an Adam.
To have been moved swiftly especially on or as if on wheels or in a vehicle by an Adam.
The act of spinning or twirling something by an Adam.
"I put so much Adam-spin on that ball. He's never seen anything like it!"
"Wow! I bet he's never seen spin like my Adam-spin."
To have sex with a fatass bee-otch and loose the condom in the girl's love handles. Then you jiggle it out of her.
Adam lost his condom while having sex. He pulled an Adam.
The best couple ever, probably started dating because of some gay bitch named layan because yes.
Woah look at that jody + adam, they make the perfect couple