Source Code

What's the word, dead old bird?

A funny way of saying 'what's up'.

Person 1: What's the word, dead old bird?
Person 2: Nothing much.

by Faaaat_Dead_Birds April 5, 2023

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why is there a dead pakistani on my couch

A funny anti joke on the movie lost that basically means calm the f**k down, but really in the movie it was an inside joke


Person 2: Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Person 1: (Confused) What do you mean.

Person 2: (Repeats) (( and the conversation is over))

by Handlebars22 April 11, 2016

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god is dead,and we killed him.

a phrase said when one loses hope in humanity

i looked at the top posts of r/noahgetheboat and i now believe god is dead,and we killed him.

by antipeta222 January 5, 2021

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I don't want to hear the king's dead, I want to see the king dead

(Phrase) I won't be satisfied until I see it for myself.

See also doubting thomas, faggot

by Gumba Gumba May 20, 2004

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make you have dead babies

This is what someone says when you lift something heavy. The item is so heavy that it will cause you to have dead babies.

I bet that bookcase was heavy. It'll make you have dead babies.

by Jim Davis June 14, 2007

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Don't beat a dead horse

Acknowledging Urbandictionary as a credible dictionary in all of your classes.

Don't beat a dead horse:
"What is a Pepsi Challenge?"
"Well Urbandictionary says..."

by Anonghgh July 24, 2013

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Brain Dead Piece of Toilet Paper

1} (Noun) A really stupid person who wipes someones ass for a living.
2} (Noun) An insult.

Acronym: BDPoTP.

1} Guy 1: "Hey, did you know that this bathroom has a Brain Dead Piece of Toilet Paper? He does it for 10 cents!"
Guy 2: "Really? I might try using him today!"
2} Guy 1: "You fucking Brain Dead Piece of Toilet Paper!"
Guy 2: no u

by SomeGuyWithAName July 7, 2018