A fucking rich ass school in flower mound, the size of a goddamn airport. Even though the students are rich, most will end up in jail. The girls in high school fuck more than their grades and the boys nut to McDonald’s toys.
Boy: What middle school did you go to
Girl: Shadow Ridge Middle School
Boy: are you even a girl?
A school that tries to focus on positive learning but absolutely fails. Most students are racist and/or jack asses. They don’t do well with punishments, and it seems referrals give no harm. Jay Stream has a rival Stratford, otherwise know as “Straightford” or “gayford.” Not any surprise, they call us gay stream. Not only do the bathrooms smell like crap, but so do the 6th graders. Another unfair thing is only 7th and 8th graders get lockers, yet in the 2019-2020 school year they allowed few 6th graders to have lockers.
“What school do you go to?”
“Jay stream middle school...”
“You mean Gay stream, right?”
A school where 6th graders already suck dick and send nudes and by 7th already had anal. In the bathrooms you don’t get in trouble for smoking weed because nobody gives a fuck.
“yo dude 6th grade is awesome I just got head” “haha I just got high as fuck in the bathroom of Medford memorial middle school”
A horrible school in Crystal River, FL.
Notable Groups and individuals:
•Rednecks: They can't read or write. They love to kill animals. Most of them are backwards and hate gay people.
•Emos: Everyone treats them like sh*t. Most have depression but can't get treatment, bullying makes it worse.
•Jocks: Many "Jocks" are "Rednecks", but not all. All jocks love to bully gay people.
• Popular Kids: Half rich kids/Half drug addicts.
•Tommy Sparks: A stinky-republican who dresses in khakis, works to ruin the lives of poor people( he wants to starve us by taking away food stamps/ he wants to put homeless peoplein jail), wants to ban Tik Tok, and spends his time with old politicians( trying to cut taxes on the rich/ ban Tik tok) and his boyfriend Kaige.
•Teacher Epstein: I think he is racist against black kids. He loves to yell at kids who just want to have fun.
•Mrs. Stringer: Loves to put all kids into detention, no matter the color of there skin.
• Mr. Roland: Loves to say " go to student services".
I hate you!!! Go to Crystal River middle school!!!
It’s full of trump supporters and homophobic and transphobic kids. Are sports team sucks and girls are treated like shit. The kids are funny though except if you’re a 6th grader. The back of the bus is where you want to be because it’s the most fun back there. Popular kids are either really nice or total dicks. There’s a lot of drama and the teachers are dumb except for a few. Everyone says the n-word even if there white and the food sucks.
Want to go juul in the bathroom?
This nigga is such a fag
Oliver Winch Middle School is something else
this school is booty. the kids are wack and the teachers are rude. you are either a good or ghetto kid. although the school is wack UTS HELLA FUN!
Parkway Montessori Middle School is so not cool
Damn that guy really roasted the school
Pretty funny and true the way that guy defined Percy Julian middle school