derogatory term against bi people, usually men
Homophobe: That straight homo said he liked women.
derogatory against bi people, typically men
Homophobe: He a straight homo.
"Weird Al" Yankovic's 12th studio album, released 2006. Features iconic songs such as White & Nerdy, Virus Alert, and Don't Download This Song. Title of the album is a parody of Straight Outta Compton..
"Straight Outta Lynwood is "Weird Al Yankovic's 12th album."
when youre running around the mall and shitting everywhere but cant control the stream that is coming out of dat booty. but then it stops and you get abducted by chinese dragons. and then the dragons buy you stomach juice at walmart.
guy1 - what did you do last night?
guy2 - i was just boolin like a straight white asian alien walmart employee
New generation of bogans tipical to the city of Christchurch New Zealand smokes weed listens to metal and drinks bourbon by the litre has ripped jeans Wife beater or t shirt black hoddie and steel capped boots can be seen doing skids but more likely realy drunk hanging out the window of a car
that guy is really straight boags
Someone that can still dig transsexual so long as the play doesn't get too gay.
Example: Giving bj's
Reach arounds etc.
TSJulie: 😉
StraightGuyJake: Sorry I am Super Straight.
TSJulie: Oh are you sure you aren't even a tiny bit extra???
StraightGuyJake: How much extra are we talking about here something truly tiny or a whole LOAF???
TSJulie: We'll it's pretty tiny but I want you to play with it.
StraightGuyJake: Well Maybe I could be a bit extra straight but I'm definitely not super extra straight!
Once under the influence of drugs you have such a strong desire for said drug and will to anything to get it. Usually resulting in being a whore to get the drugs you can want
Damn you went straight Kenney, full Sara.