The Two Tequila Timmy Talk is a drink that consists of a two double Tequillas or a double-double of Tequila. It can be served neat or on the rocks. It is all but guarenteed to make a quiet friend talk, whether his or her name is Tim or Tina or anything. They will tell you things younever knew. It's best served with a copious amount of time and when one has their best listening ears on.
My buddy John is usually such a quiet guy but served him a two Two-Tequila-Timmy-Talk and you'll know his darkest secrets.
A late-night-talk is a deep talk between two or more people (it must be a small group) that occurs between night and drawn. Usually on a quite place like a balcony or a living room, with chill music in a low volume, alcohol and/or other substances in lower doses. The themes usually are personal so these talks are exclusive to who participated on them and must be interpreted has a bounding.
After the party I had a late-night-talk with Jimmy and Karen, I wish you were there it was amazing!
When you are talk and play epic videogame or just commit epic. U say "Now we are talk".
Yes, I finished this level! Finally!
Now we are talk
The Talking Tom franchise was created by Outfit7 on June 26, in 2010.
You can use your device microphone to let Tom speak after you.
May 22, 2011, Talking Tom got a second game, named Talking Tom Cat 2.
The game uses same features, but new features added, clothing, hats, etc.
November 11, 2013, Talking Tom got its first ever caring game, called My Talking Tom.
My Talking Tom lets you care for Tom. You can put Tom to bed, feed him, bathe him, or play new mini-games.
As of November 8, 2018, Talking Tom got a second pet caring game, called My Talking Tom 2.
My Talking Tom 2 features extra pets, which are Squeak, Dot, Sugar, Flip, and Gus.
February 13, 2020, Talking Tom got its most current game, which is called My Talking Tom Friends.
My Talking Tom Friends consists of caring for Angela, Tom, Becca, Ben, Ginger, and Hank.
Talking Tom is a game targeted towards kids, expected (4-10).
You can look the game up for more info.
The game is available on iOS, and Android.
A sleazy line used to seal the deal with trashy women.
Mother: How was your Saturday Night?
Son: Good. I used the All Talk/All Action line to seal the deal with some chick.
Sister: Don’t expect that line to work with classy women.
when your heads somewhere else and your talking about something completely different and/or made up.
isabel: are you dating drake
camila: what no?
isabel: oh i’m talking different, my bad.
Useless arguments
Ma’am trying to argue with you is like doing wall talk absolutely useless