An ingredient that has been mysteriously missing and can't ever be found.
There is one simple question I gotta ask. Where is the lamb sauce?!?!?!?!?!
When you drink alot of tar then cum on your dog
Dude i just Black Sauced my dog!
n 1: any distasteful or foul matter most often in liquid form. 2: a euphemism for diarrhea.
my dog, cow, just went out into the yard and ate all sorts of icky-sauce.
When a person (usually Caleb) throws a 200 mph heater or a curveball that strikes out a batter in baseball.
Bennett: Dang Caleb just threw some Zesty Sauce to Caleb
Cole: That was some Zesty Sauce Caleb!!!
Slang for having a large vagina or large labia.
I can't wear this swimsuit unless I want everyone to know I have hot sauce in my purse.