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the potato war

the war encompassing technoblade and i am squid kid and their ultimate battle of potatoes on hypixel skyblock where technoblade outsmarted i am squid kid over 999 trillion times.

"if you wish to defeat me train for another billion years"~ The blade
"'The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.'- Sun Tzu"~ The blade

Random player: omg is he gonna start the potato war?

by dailyretard April 23, 2023

4👍 3👎

world war 50

Something that will happen... never

Bob: How long do you thinks it is going to take?

Borbosia: Not till World War 50.

by World War 50 November 11, 2020

the gear wars

The Gear Wars are a historical series of conflicts first mentioned in season 1, episode 11, "Ricksy Business," by Revolio Clockberg Junior, who Rick refers to as Gearhead (though the show later implies this is a racial epithet.) Part of a running gag on the show, the Gear Wars pastiche heavy-handed sci-fi exposition, as a character with lots to say about an ancient conflict is ignored instead of indulged. Of course, one of Rick and Morty's greatest tricks is getting fans invested in its lore even as it mocks them for caring.

gear head: "hey morty wanna here about the gear wars".
Morty: "No".

by Bread_man69420 November 25, 2021

Iraq war

The mass murder of Iraqis by the us for our damn oil.

Bush killed thousands in the Iraq war

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 14, 2020

The great arts war

The Warren high school, between ✨choir kids✨, orchestra, kids, theater, kids, band, kids, and art kids.

1:woah, they look beat.
2:yeah, must be fighting in the great arts war

by Purpstar615 November 23, 2023


a) a meaningless verbal conflict between two individuals over a locker/storage space belonging to neither of them.

b) when you are dumped out and you are in a race to find a cheap self storage facility for your belongings

c) (parodying a reality TV show of the same name): a verbally aggressive auction bid for the contents of a storage locker belonging to a person who can longer rent the locker.

If you are in a storage-wars definition a) you are doing something stupid; first figure out who the storage space belongs to. if definition b) applies to you, what is to Louis XIV if you are dumped out; finding storage a storage space for your belongings is now your problem.

by Sexydimma December 10, 2014

2nd American Civil War

Something that hasn't happened yet, and hopefully never will, but some people are very confident that it will. In fact, some people seemingly WANT to kick it off, confident that they would win and basically get to do whatever they want.

Don't be some people. War bad.

The thought of a 2nd American Civil War around the corner is often used by Americans who don't like the current president. It became much more "popular" in the 2010s.

by Someone who kinda exists July 9, 2024