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Screaming Pigs

Tasteless "screamo" music that closely resembles the sound of pigs screaming.

My roommate came out of his room to clean the living room with some screaming pigs.

by dprfunk January 15, 2015

Guinea Pig eating a banana

A small girl taking a huge dick

That girl was like a Guinea pig eating a banana when she gave me head.

by Tranykingtruck October 23, 2015

Pigs in blankets

A food that consists of small sausages wrapped in bacon. It is eaten in Britain lots.

Guy 1: dude what did you have for breakfast today?
Guy 2: I had pigs in blankets, they were so good!

by Jkl66710 October 15, 2017

Pigs In Blankets

When you place a freshly cooked slice of bacon on your Penis and your partner eats your Penis like a Pigs in blanket, a classic in the traditional english roast dinner.

Take it one step further and you can sever the “pigs in blankets” and serve it on a platter to diners e.g school canteen or a care home

i’m really craving some pigs in blankets

by DaRastaPasta September 15, 2021

Pigs in blankets

Extra thiccccc woman

They pigs in blankets

by Lowen10 April 12, 2019

pit pig

A pit pig is someone who finds the smell of armpits to be arousing.

The pit pig enjoyed the sweet aroma that emanated from their partner’s armpit as they released a sigh of desire.

by Jedijayrich February 6, 2024

Pit Pig

A man with an armpit fetish who enjoys sniffing and/or licking other men’s armpits because the masculine musk and tangy sweat turns him on.

A: “At first the armpit thing was a joke, but I think I might really be a Pit Pig. I want to taste that man’s sweat.”
B: “Eugh, you actually like sticking your nose in a guy’s pit and smelling that man musk?”
A: “Only when he’s hairy.”

by YourMomIsAPsyop September 26, 2024