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your mom

when little timmy cant combeack with a good argument so he starts insulting your mother

me: you are stupid timmy
Timmy:your mom haha

by Splien September 26, 2018

Your mom

The irresponsible lady who had sex one too many times then got pregnant with your ugly ass just to grow you in her fat stomach so she could push you out her pussy only to spend money to feed and look after you. What a waste of sperm and 9 months. Especially if you were born in 2010 or born a Scorpio

Guess what
“Your mom”

by Mommy milf Jessica October 11, 2021

Your mom

Something people say because they're stupid and don't knowthe meaning of personal deaths that could've happened with that person's mom.

Friend "What are you doing?"
You "Your mom"

by ilikepooteehee November 24, 2019

Your Mom

a very amazing person.

your mom is an amazing person

by RainBeFallingTho February 4, 2020

your mom

she is your mom duuhhhh

omg is that a bird no its your mom

by whip with that food November 29, 2018

Your Mom

The best answer to any possible question or comeback

Teacher: what is the square root of 69

Lil billy: the square root of me and your mom last night

Teacher: stop! that is enough!

Lil billy: that's not what your mom said last night!

Kid 1: hey you look like an ugly little faggot

Kid 2: you fuckin kidding me I look nothing like your mom

Your mom is a fucking fat hoe

by lil savage fuck June 25, 2019

Your Mom

1. A very nice lady that makes meals for you and your family. Acts like she enjoys your friends company more than your's.

2. The response a middle schooler would give you, goes well with "who asked","Joe who?", and "To your left".

(Zeke)- I hope we don't go against some sweats.

(Mathew)- ...Your Mom

by Soupy Man 69 April 27, 2021