When the sound engineering and quality of a movie's audio makes it evident that the movie was made in the 80's.
The movie Heathers has that nice, crispy 80's muffle that makes you shit and cum in your pants.
The Rollin' 80s are known to be in 3 out of the 4 Borough's of NYC. NYPD labels them as a dangerous gang,
known to sell drugs, extortion, and committing robberies and selling firearms to make their money.
what are Rollin 80's crips example The Rollin' 80s Crips is a homegrown set from New York, one of the few to be sanctioned by LA.
The act of being temporarily obsessed with a movie, actor, song, artist, game or television show from the 80's and gloating to peers and family about how "good times used to be", ironically this predominantly occurs in people who were either to young to remember or weren't alive during the 80's
Guy 1: I've then watching a whole bunch of Arnold Schwarzenegger movies lately
Guy 2: stop it man, you having a 80's Comeback Tour
sruck in the eighties, a complete loser.
"Becky! Those shoes are oh-so-80's!"
"Lets go up to the front of the room and do the Moonwalk"
"No way! Way! No WAY! WAY!"
"There ain't no party like my grandma's tea-party! heyyyyy! hoooooooo!"
Oh my god… the best period you could have experienced. It was packed full of Outstanding Artists and rockstars -
person 1 : I was born in the 80s
person 2 :oh wow… your lucky
person 1: yeah we had the best music
The 80s will always be the best decade there is no fucking way that any other decade compares i could use a time machine inside a DeLorean and travel back to any other decades the 80s will always be the best decade in the name of peter griffin " when are you going to let the 80s go NEVER the 80s will always be the best decade (Insert Take on me By AHA
The 80s will always be the best decade w you feel
You got to roll with the punches and get to what's real
Ah, can't you see me standin' here
I got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen
Ah, can't you see what I mean?
Ah, might as well jump (jump)
Might as well jump
Go ahead and jump (jump)
Go ahead and jump
Ow, oh, hey, you
Who said that?
Baby, how you been?
You say you don't know
You won't know until you begin
So can't ya see me standing here
I got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen
Ah, can't you see what I mean?
Ah, might as well jump (jump)
Go ahead and jump
Might as well jump (jump)
Go ahead and jump
Might as well jump (jump)
Go ahead and jump
Get it in, jump (jump)
Go ahead and jump
The speed at which the kid that swears he throws 90 mph actually throws, easy home runs.
Yeah, he thinks he is so good but he throws 80 poo