You’ll often find a “Kiwi Breakfast” on the menu of a New Zealand cafe. Besides the produce being local, there is nothing inherently “Kiwi” about it. Its literally an English Breakfast… except it in New Zealand, so therefore it’s “Kiwi”.
Kiwi waiter: “would you like to try our Kiwi Breakfast “
English tourist: “yeah sure”
20 minutes later…
English tourist: “this is literally an English breakfast without black pudding”
An epic gamer who likes to listen to sicko mode and get epic victories on Fortnite
Bro who was that epic gamer last match?
I don’t know, probably a mr kiwi
Kiwi bundle - When 2 or more niggas bang a white girl and they put their balls in her bootyhole.
“Man, last night was so crazy, we pulled a kiwi bundle on that bitch!"
A song typically written & performed by a British closeted gay man.
Harry loves singing a kiwi to make fun of his husband stunts.
kiwi is my savior. i love to eat it when my boyfriend breaks up with me. i was so depressed when my bf broke up with me. so i found a new love. kiwi. it has the best seeds and flavor in the whole world. i love the green and brown. i would die for kiwis 🥝 😍👹😍👹🦋🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶
A fruit a bird and a something that my mom won't stop saying.
Mom why won't you stop saying "kiwi"?