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Nathaniel Morris

Nathaniel is a really chill, tall dude, who's kinda quiet until you get to know him. He is always willing to lend a hand or an ear. Generally a chill, nice guy, loyal, kind, and understated looks. Wouldn't recommend getting on his bad side, because he can actually fight better than his lean frame would suggest.

Random dude: Hey, what's up man?
Nathaniel Morris: Not much, wbu man?
Random dude: Same here.

by Ravenclaw 5 March 29, 2020

John Morris

To confidently share misinformation and insult people when proven wrong.

“It is right, I’ll call you a cock if you carry on!”

“Oh that isn’t even remotely true stop being a John Morris

by JohntheNonce January 10, 2020

Isaiah Morris

He is amazing boy. he thinks he is ugly, but some people say other wise. he doesn't like many people in the world or in his class. but someone like him. One of the people that like him is Courtney. She thinks she is ugly to, but she is O.K.

Isaiah Morris, nice kind, awesome

by Unkownwordcreator June 3, 2019

The Morris

A standard unit of size (volume) or mass equal to a Morris Oxford motor car.

Normally used to express incredulity at the comic size of an object or feature.

Dude 1: Jesus - look at the size of that guys head....
Dude 2: it's massive - it's a planetoid of a head ... Etc.

Dude 1: it must be at least 0.8 of a Morris....
Dude 2: Way! Maybe even a full Morris - The Morris!
Dude 1: No Way - a full Morris can bend light it's so massive!!!!

by PWO 159 March 18, 2010

gregory morris

One bad ass mother fucker, all the guys want to be him and all the women want to be with him. The king alpha male of any group.

I hope I can be a Gregory Morris one day.

by blackitalian August 12, 2019

mount morris illinois

A town right off highway 64 with a population of 3000 where where about 2900 are senior citizens. There are approximately 8 bars, 4 banks, 2 gas stations, 9 churches, one grocery store and 1 run down cardboard box of a liquor store.

I drove through Mount Morris Illinois today and it smells like a mini Nebraska.

by ToddWallnutz May 5, 2016

d’andre morris

a future morrisons worker. an amazing beatboxer who is very awesome. GO STREAM GOLDEN TICKETS 🎫

You are on your way to being d’andre morris!!

by rtiscool December 23, 2021