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anything that walks

Describes, literally, any person or animal that can ambulate using legs or related appendages. Generally though it is used as the epitome of low standards in the selection of a mate of the opposite sex.

We all knew Ray would fuck anything that walks and swore by the saying pussy ain't got no face. But he outdid even himself when he was arrested for sneaking into Sea World with intent to engage in intercourse with the female dolphins.

by Nick D August 18, 2004

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Rhythm Walking

A phenomenon that can be observed in people who listen to music with headphones while walking. The affected person will walk perfectly in time with the music they are listening to- often more quickly or slowly than they normally would, depending on the tempo of the music. They will oftentimes not even notice that they are doing this. To everyone else, they simply look as if they are either in a huge hurry to get somewhere or are incredibly tired and can barely walk. Rhythm Walking can affect virtually anybody, and is more common in people who listen to music with a pronounced drum beat.

"Hey, what's up with Frank? He was shuffling along really slowly just a minute ago, and now he's walking really fast."
"He's got headphones in. Must be rhythm walking."

by Darc Discordia December 30, 2010

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walking hangover

When a person begins to have hangover symptoms quickly after drinking alcoholic beverages, or while still drinking alcoholic beverages.

I've only drank 7 beers, but I'm starting to get a headache, I think I'm getting a walking hangover."

by boxvic July 29, 2010

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Raptor Walk

Upon waking up with an erection, the act of walking either to the bathroom or laundry room slightly hunched over in order to conceal your erection from your parents or room mates.

Hey Liam, this morning I woke up with a fat boner and had to raptor walk past my parents in the the family room.

by BigHair94 September 5, 2011

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Crack Walk

The over-anxious, speedy walk of a crack head who is overjoyed with the crack they have just purchased and is trying to rush to the smoke spot before they get caught by the cops or another crack head attempts to steal their rock.

Often looks like a small child who is in a hurry to get to the bathroom accompanied by the tight clenching of one hand, which is commonly where the crack they purchased.

The "J" was doing the crack walk in the street when "12" grabbed him.

by w1kked May 7, 2010

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Woggie Walk

Cool and hip way of saying you are going to take your dog on a walk

Friend 1: Hey! Wanna go for a Woggie Walk?

Friend 2: Yeah, sure! I'd love to go on a woggie walk!

by NILY June 22, 2012

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B walk

The B-walk or otherwise known as the Blood walk was originally created by Lil' Rotney, Nephew of Dj Quik. DJ Quik then took the dance and added variations the final product of which was known as the Skip Walk. The B-Walk was first performed on stage by DJ Quik and Mossberg in a show in which they sport yellow shirts at the Recita Country Club. It was first done as a routine and was meant as such until people began to Crip walk against it and therefore came to be known as the B-Walk. The B-Walk was never meant to be taken as seriously as the Crip walk but more as a dance routine and something to have fun with.

DJ Quik's B WALK (Blood Walk) video on his DVD Visualism.

by Das Kojak September 14, 2007

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