An odd little fellow with a nasty urge to kill and a wierd dick with one ball and a hole at the bottom of his peepee. Possibly the worst human to ever exist. Also a failed artist.
He´s a good guy not properly but anyway.
Sometimes he´s kinda cringe but also stupid
he´s also a guy wich is always very very brutal
He also speaks german like: WAS IST DAS DENN?!"
Adolf is a dick!
Adolf is a dicker of butts. A Butt-Dicker, if you will. Adolf = Butt-Dicker.
"Dick my butt, Adolf!" "oh that Adolf, he's a dick in my butt"
a guy who is a racist Adolf can suck on my dick says jew man in 1789 man Adolf shitler I mean hitler went to Germany and killed jews the end
"have you heard of Adolf?"
"yeah! he is racist and his last name is hitler! he is a queer also my nigga!"
Adolf Scoica Is the Ruler Of Laplandish Empire
-Have you heard about the new ruler of lapland Adolf Scoica?
-Yes I have!