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Attention Seeker

A very sad and lonely person, typically with 0-2 friends. They post everything that happens to them on their story, like, literally everything. Ranging from “My mum forgot to buy me a pen” to “I just breathed very loudly” you get the point. They are typically female and annoying.

Person: “Isn’t that Daisy girl such an attention seeker?”
Person 2: “I know right, kinda annoying”

by Mike Wazowski is fit April 23, 2020

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attention whore

A girl the wants attention instead of sex from a bunch of boys/men but will eventually become a hoe.

"She be arching her back in front of all these boys"
"She is an attention whore"

by badbitchdefinitions February 7, 2017

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play attention

when a sports athlete does not pay attention during a crucial play.

tom hiked the ball to the kicker scott who was looking at the cheerleaders not the ball. and lost the football game by 2 points.
Tom:nice job douche you just cost us are 1st preseason game
Scott: suck applesauce man i did my best
Tom: you need to play attention you dumb ass

by tsike March 6, 2009

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Attention seeker

courtney heaton trying to get all the attention.

oh there is courtney heaton that attention seeker.

by michael shermoantor December 18, 2016

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Attention seeker

Someone who has too much time on their hands so they decide to talk about them or do dumb shit to get people to look at them or talk about them. Usually some bitch named sara

Person 1: omg did you see sara. She dyed her hair green.
Person 2: ik! She is always complaining about her depression too. She is such an attention seeker

by You're black April 29, 2019

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Attention Deprivation

A masked psychological technique applied perhaps intuitively by members of the dominant race, class, or ethnicity in society primarily by denying eye-contact, ignoring, and sometimes pretending to be a non-person or seeming to be unhappy or even angry at their victim for no apparent reason to intimidate, injure, disempower and put-down members of society's less powerful groups.

The descendants of the currently dominant race which invaded and occupied that part of the world apply the psychological technique social scientists call "attention deprivation" (denying their victims eye-contact, ignoring them, and sometimes pretending to be very unhappy or even angry at them for no reason) to dominate the descendants of the people who inhabited that part of the world thousands of years before them.

by but for October 1, 2017

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sexual attention

the act of applying sexual actions to a person or persons.

i’m craving some sexual attention.

by madmaxx November 25, 2017

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