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Clashing Autisms

When two people have autistic traits that conflict with each other. For example, one person always talks ant full volume and the other person hates loud noise.

This often causes the people to strongly dislike each other.

Person 1: Those two keep getting into arguments, what’s their deal?.

Person 2: Yeah, they both really into Halo 3, I thought they would get along.
Person 3: They’ve got clashing autisms, it’s sort of like they were destined to hate each other.

by A-bookshelf June 21, 2024

Acing Autism

stimming from the group of people who originally used this term to spread awareness of the people who have autism being quite obnoxious and toxic this refers to a human who is "acing" the embodiment of a low functioning autistic individual who cannot function in society or is acting like a person with down-syndrome.

look at the kid over there he clearly is acing autism isn't he?

by she' the forsaken April 17, 2021

Urban Autism

Urban Autism is a branch of autism found in low economical areas with low level educational systems. Many students, while not truly autistic, develop this stunt in educational and social growth.

Tommy says” what’s wrong with Johnny, he’s acting like Flavor Flav!”
Paul says “Nothing, he just has urban autism

by TWooo June 21, 2024

Autism Show

A Term that can be used to describe your feelings toward a TV Show or Movie Series you are really into, depicted in an Autistic manner.

This results in an obsession that you quite can't get over and you need to know every last detail about the subject.

Autism Shows is usually media that is animated or childish.

Man, I really love JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, It is my Autism Show!

by ChoccyMilkCGZ September 25, 2023


The silly cat version of alastor from Hazbin Hotel

Incredibly silly and delulu

"Oh! He has autism!"

"You're autistic."

by the_tism March 9, 2024


anyone with the name .vspyuxo aka "zesty in bed"

Yuxo has autism.

by apersononline32820101412 November 6, 2023


where one may seem to have no brain couse they are spastic

some cunt at ya local shopping center has autism he was head butting the floor

by RetardScienceExperimentRaccoon April 29, 2024