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Beer Hipster

A person who feels superiority because of their knowledge of obscure beers. In the same way a normal hipster likes to take pride in their music library, a beer hipster will brag about what beers they know.

Beer Hipster: "My favorite beer is popering's hommel, you probably haven't heard of it."

by Ducks of Oregon May 3, 2011

Beer Hero

A person who believes they have powers beyond their sober ability because they have drunk too much

Tony is challenged to doing 100 pushups and starts attempting the dare.
Mark shouts ''Tony don't be a beer hero''

by Wadup33 August 12, 2012

Beer Gnat

Those little annoying flies that are attracted to / gather around an open beer after it's been left out for a night. My only question is "Damn, where do they come from"

Beer Gnat

by Shawn Cassick August 29, 2008

Beer Nugget

A tasty late-night treat or party food essentially made of chunks of deep-fried pizza dough invented in DeKalb, IL mostly for broke students from Northern Illinois University. It's usually served with a dipping side of marinara or pizza sauce, but can also be served with a cheese or garlic butter sauce or sprinkled with or dipped in cinnamon-sugar.

The one constant at NIU.

Guy 1: "Dude, I'm so wasted!"
Guy 2: "yeah, Let's get some food."
Guy 1: "I'm almost broke"
Guy 2: "Let's get some beer nuggets then."

PartyGuy: "Hi, I'm from another school, what's that?"
NIUGirl: "Beer nuggets."
PartyGuy: "What's 'beer nuggets'?"
NIUGirl: "What? You've never heard of 'beer nuggets'?"

by wyld_stallyns April 13, 2008

191๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

beer tears

when, after a few drinks, one will proceed to become an unhappy drunk, and begin to cry and shed tears about anything remotely bothering them. ex: crying about ex-boyfriend, inability to microwave easymac, spilling a drink on one's shirt

"After I had three natty lights, I started regretting my last drunk hook-up and started crying. My friends had to comfort me because of my beer tears!"

by brunette22 February 16, 2006

5211๐Ÿ‘ 1071๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beer Joggles

the unrealistic assessment of the ease of a jog or run one is about to embark upon after having had 1-3 beers.

"I felt so great on the first three miles of that 10K after those two beers--I was flying, and it was so easy--but then I hit the back half and was miserable. Total case of beer joggles."

by Geeluvss August 18, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

nursing a beer

to take a long time to drink one beer

John: hey dude are you working toward your nursing major?
Max: no man, why?
John: because you have been nursing that beer all night

(Max was nursing a beer)

by Spaceoutboi September 29, 2015

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