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blink-182 is a kick-ass band, consisting of the amazingly attractive Tom DeLonge, very hott Mark Hoppus, and Meet the Barkers star, Travis Barker. They write awesome music with amazing lyrics but many people can't appreciate them because of their lack to see past the word punk and have to disagree with their music because they "aren't punk enough." blink-182 makes awesome points that are often overseen because of who they are. They sing, have amazing drums and awesome guitar and bass playing and they rock. Everyone should love them.

blink-182 is such an amazing band! I love them!

by Tom DeLonge_Lover July 7, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž


The greatest band ever. EVER.
They are true music, they did not only play punk music, they played music that described people, and their actions and feelings. All with catchy lyrics and insrtumental parts that are simply amazing. This band has influenced so many other bands, and even after they have broken up, they continue to do so.

Get on youtube and search for Blink-182 - "The Rock Show"
You will immediately fall in love.

by TheoRawks November 26, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

blink 182

Members; Mark Hoppu, Travis Barker, Tom DeLonge, formed in San Diego, California in 1992.

Blink-182 is one o the most influential Pop- Punk/ Punk-Rock bands known to date. they are up there with green day, They helped pave the way for punk rock bands, and also sang about real situations in which people can relate, While maintaining there joking immature status.

Far from emo, Sure one or two 'emo songs' liek adams song, But again do your research and you will understand.

Originally named blink, But were threatened with a law suit from an irish band.

Kid 1: Hey listen to this band they are like uber cool and funny and you can totally relate to them.

Some idiot: Beh blink 182 there emo, Faggot.

Kid 1: Nah ah since when have emo's sang about dog sex and grampa sex and there mum being a transvestite.

Some idiot: Shut up

Kid 1: Idiot go drown.

by n3rdz February 19, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blink 182

jackass meets musical talent

Hugh: dude blink 182 is some sick music
Gilbert: i know man they are ridiculous i love it

by zooeyville January 4, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 288๐Ÿ‘Ž


(noun)One of the greatest pop/punk/indie bands of ever. they should def. get back together. please.

"I love Blink-182"
"Me too. They should def. get back together."

by DanaXCore October 19, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blink 182

An alternative rock trio enjoyed by most people but despised by little nerds stuck in the '80's listening to their "hardcore real punk" bullcrap listening to 45 second songs composed of 2 power chords and shouting "fuck this fuck that" etc. Blink-182 is a good band. Doesn't matter if they're punk or not, they make good stuff. Stop complaining.

Guy 1: "Dude, Blink 182 sucks balls! They're whiny and think they're as good as The Sex Pistols!"
Guy 2: "That's retarded."
Guy 1: "I know, right?"
Guy 2: "They're WAY better than The Sex Pistols. They aren't little douches who have nothing to do at 60 years old than rip on good musicians who are getting more attention than them."

by Jigginsmusic October 29, 2014

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the best bands that have ever existed. They were super successful and I loved them. Then Tom Delonge, who I was totally infatuated with and who I wanted to marry, broke my heart and put the band on "indefinate hiatus". I cried for an hour straight and went into denile.
This band broke up into two bands "Angels and Airwaves" with Tom Delonge, which sucks balls, and "Plus 44" with Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker, which sucks dick.
If they ever get back together for a reunion tour, I am pretty sure the tickets will sell out within 2 minutes.
But Tom Delonge hasn't talked to members Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker, though he should then they could get back together and make more babies.

Apparently Tom played "Stay Together for the Kids" after an Angels and Airwaves concert then when it was over he said, "stay together for the kids, guys. I'm sorry..."
If he's sorry then he should stop his pathetic excuse for a band and reform Blink-182, or get together for concerts again, or something.

by RayRaythekiwi September 14, 2008

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