Source Code

Taking control

When you bang a (smaller) person from behind and can lift him/her from the ground thus controlling the direction of movement during fornication.

"I fucked Rachel hard yesterday, totally was taking control of her! We started in the bedroom and ended in the kitchen!"
"Dude, she weighs like 400 pounds..."
"You don't believe me?"

by TheIllusiveGuy November 24, 2019

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crackhead control

A jiu-jitsu position in which a fighter on his back wraps both legs around the back of his opponent's head, holding them in place using one of his arms. This allows him to control his opponent's head and shoulder and stifle their attacks.

When I typed crackhead control into google images all i got was pictures of Amy Winehouse

by electricify December 17, 2011

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Wrist Control

You always gotta have it

"You see you need wrist control to keep the mugger form mugging you. Then once you have wrist control you pull out your gun!"

by Mr.Wrist control December 24, 2011

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Selfie Control

When you take an amazing selfie but decided wait a few days to post it on social media because you've already posted too many pictures, status updates, selfies, etc. recently.

"Omg I love this selfie of me! I look so good! I think I'm going to post it on Instagram."

"Dude have some selfie control. You've put up 2 statuses, 1 selfie, and 3 group photos in 4 days. You gotta chillax or people are going to think you have no life."

by Ramnation1 November 10, 2014

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Quality Control

A system on UrbanDictionary that allows whiney people to erase definitions that they find *extremely* offensive.

I hate your guts, quality control!

by Ainolketta March 13, 2005

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Ground Control

The person in the group (who is either sober or (more rarely) uses the drug so much it hardly affects them) who watches over the others who may be under the effects of drugs, usually hallucinogens like shrooms or acid. Their job is to watch over everyone and make sure they’re safe. Most of the time, their job is to keep you from having a bad trip (panic attacks and stuff) and maybe acting rash.

β€œJust bagged some shrooms, who wants to be ground control?”

by iamthesandguardian September 24, 2023

Scuf Controller

A gaming controller with extra paddles/buttons, grip, and thumb sticks with the main purpose of being able to do in game things like, jump, switch weapons without lifting your thumbs from the sticks. Any controller like this is a scuf controller. The best brand of these are from SCUF.

Guy 1: yo bro what controller u use?
Guy 2: I’m on a scuf controller bro

by Poopmer7 January 4, 2021