A kobold insult. Roughly translated, “porg duhʼ mundee” means, “your mother is a bare-handed wiper of halfling bums!” As far as Kobold insults go, this ranks as one of the worst.
porg' duh mundee, now you die, human adventurer
You’re such a duh!
Omg you’re a duh
She’s such a duh
He’s such a duh
a duh da is another name for a vagina or a "pussy"
Wow Rachels Duh Da is so smooth!
An absolute boss a nigga thats always makin that shmoney no one is above him
Omg i wanna be just like Duh-Von
theme for when someone lowers onto a phallus object, comes from terminator 2 when the terminator is lowering into the molten steel to be destroyed.
If things go good on my date tonight i might get some of the old duh-nuh-nuuh from Becky
Wa-duh is the British version of the North American delicacy of water.
Yo I'm so thirsty, I really want some wa-duh to drink
when something is so obvious, if you say it someone will for sure respond with a "duh!"
stating the obvious aspects of a comment, trying to look self assured.
"after avoiding a friend of mine for weeks, she came out and asked me if i was avoiding her because i didn't like her...well, do i have to explain every duh fact in the universe?"