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election denialism

A term used by Hillary Clinton to describe Hillary Clinton.

When asked about the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton is still suffering from election denialism.

by Democrats exposed January 24, 2024

speed denial

Using call blocker to keep someone from reaching you by phone.

She's really been bugging me lately. She called so often I had to put her on speed denial.

by YahooGuru2u June 12, 2008


Definition 1) The ability to destroy one’s “BIG IDEA” without taking any ownership of “Hey, what just happened”
Definition 2) To Deny culpability at the end or close to the end of the process.

Per Definition 1:
a) I’d rather denialate the thought of being on Bob’s team then telling him outright his ideas just plain suck!
b) Jim was so adept in his denialation of Jane’s concept that she ended up handing over the entire portfolio.

Per Definition 2:
Mike wanted to take responsibility for his horrible actions but since he was able to denialate them he was ruled out as a suspect.

by JSP2 May 13, 2020

Boob Denial

The first stage of grief for a women trying to come to terms with the size of her chest.

Look at her boobs, she's not wearing a bra! She must have boob denial!

by GalaxySlug November 7, 2020

Post Acceptance Denial


The mentality achieved by the majority of Senior High School Students that have received University/and/or/College acceptances and now refuse to try in school any longer as they have no need to.

Jim: Hey Bob, did you study for that upcoming calculus text?
Bob: Fuck that, I already got into University/College name, I don't need to do shit.
Ray: Fuck you and your PAD (Post Acceptance Denial) Bob. I got rejected.

by bestloliconNA May 8, 2013

Denial Hint

A denial hint is when u are asked by someone of something that they heard of that is either embarrasing or straight up stupid and u playfully or sarcastically deny it to indirectly tell them without blurting it out in public.

1.When Demarcus asked me about the horrible incident between me and Jazmine at the party, i gave him a denial hint.

2. Kevin-Hey Courtney, i heard that you finally let Dre get some at that party last week

Courtney-*Smiling* ummm...no....what are you talking about Kevin???

Kevin-Ohhh ok....cool *Turns over to Greg* She was sooo giving me a denial hint

by GoofyChick=3 February 13, 2009


When a man says that he is bisexual when really he is just in denial about love fucking a dude..... And just dudes.

Denial is a river in Egypt you're are gay.

by Ariel Walker March 25, 2024