Not what I said.
Hym "Excuses excuses bitch. Pointing out the ambiguity in the age of consent and using 'the ability theoretically consent' as an example for why a retards ability to theoretically consent in the absence of the legal or mental ability isn't justification for a care giver to fuck retards is not an argument that has any relationship to any age of consent for/against arguments.
The act itself (fucking a retard) spites a person who said a thing you don't like and therefore đź‘Ť to you. You're a piece of shit. You raped a 19 year old by pretending to be a guy that is objectively better than you. You're not really in a position to criticize the guy you're pretending to be. A lot of you just fucking retarded psychos. 'He said something other than my kids butthole getting fucked = bad So I gEt To Do WhAtEvEr I wAnT!' OR 'If I dOn'T gEt To Be FoRgIvEn FoR dOiNg WhAtEvEr I wAnT... ThEn I gEt To Do WhAtEvEr I wAnT... aGaIn!' OR 'He SaId A bAd WoRd So I gEt To Do WhAtEvEr I wAnT aNd If YoU sAy AnYtHiNg AbOuT i'Ll Do A jIhAd On YoU tOo!' OR 'If YoU eVeN hAvE tO AsK wHy RaPe BaD i GeT tO dO wHaTeVeR i WaNt!' My answer was fine. I'm better than you and your kid. If I wanted to fuck or kill them you wouldn't do anything to stop me. Ashton Kutcher was doing it but he was a character witness in a trail and now he isn't allowed to do the thing that YOU are not doing. This is evidenced by the fact that kids are still getting fucked and killed. Mostly by the Jews. Aaaaaaaand... You're shit. I'm not. I'm better than everyone. Better than GOD! I'm LIKE a GOD! Reality hangs on my every word! So, quit making up excuses. Be the piece of shit that you are. Let me be the thing that I am (better than everyone and their kids). And eat a bowl of shit."
Not an excuse to let them sell it instead of me. WHAT they are selling is HYM. Which, again, makes it more likes slavery than anyone else. Even if I put the phone down today they are still doing the thing they are doing. Seems like we only have a problem with slavery in theory, so long as it isn't happening to us, huh? But in implementation, well..
Hym "That's just an excuse not to pay me. I painted a painting and you looked me dead in the eyes and said 'You're not doing that right' and then TOOK A PHOTO of the of the painting and said 'Hey, you want to buy this photo for a billion dollars?' My work is so good that it's even good second hand."
What teachers say you use, as an unjustifiable reason for something just because they do not want you to leave the classroom even though yo must release a Fat Shit
Guy: fucking mr. M said I was making an “Excuse” to go take a shit, so I shit on his desk
Guy 2: fuck him honestly.
Something made up to disguise the fact Mike Vrabel is a horrible coach.
Mike Vrabel has an excuse because half the team was hurt, and I really don’t know how to coach.
To overlook the obvious, to make up a stupid reason for something, happening, to shift blame
usually by Josh Campbell about Mike Vrabel and the Titans
Mike Vrabel only lost because half of the team is hurt which is an excuse
a term that your mom, boss, dad, and anyone superior to you will call any of your logical reasons for not doing something because they are a stupid bitch and can go eat a dick.
mom: did you pick up the dogs shit?
son: sorry mom, i broke my wrist on a lightpost and then fell into 20 thumbtacks that were covered in salt and hand sanitiser
mom: cut it with the fucking excuses!
logic that leads to doing less work that you know you should be doing for superior moral reasons anyway
"I dont want to work today because I have neckpain"
Ok, you should probably still do it and fix your neckpain later as best as you can.
What is not a valid excuse? This is where the 'moral' bit comes into play.
Technically the old definition would call this an excuse too:
"I dont want to kill those 15 starving children because I dont like killing".
But a real excuse in my humble opinion is an excuse only when you duck out of doing something that would be the *right* thing to do - something you should be doing for a higher purpose.