Notice how there are no other definitions for "Microsoft Fanboys," maybe because there is no such thing as a Microsoft Fanboy.
But iif you Search up, "Apple Fanboy" and you will notice how much differently Microsoft and Apple users are.
Microsoft users are laid back and use their computers for what they need to use them for (without any undeeded, overpriced extras that apple products have)
Apple Fanboy: "Hey, check out my new Ipod and iphone 4s that I got by staying all night on the release day! Its sooo much better than the Iphone 4 because its just faster!"
Microsoft User: "My Zune and windows phone has the same features as your ipod and iphone"
Apple Fanboy: "Well Ipods are better than Zunes anyway"
Microsoft User: "That's why you can plug your Zune in to your friend's computer and have music from other libraries too right?"
Apple Fanboy: "That just means you're poor and can't buy your music yourself along with a new device that comes out every year that costs 3000 dollars. You're just a Microsoft Fanboy, oh wait, shit, there's no such thing" *shutsups*
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A DC fanboy is A dilluded person who thinks DC is the best simply because of the dark knight trillogy in which batman is there only well represented character as every other movie is a flop(man of steel and green lantern). A dc fanboy is also somoene who can't admit that marvel currently are way ahead on the movie front as they are consistent and regularly release films (avengers, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, thor, iron man, ant man, spiderman, and xmen films). A Dc fanboy will also declare that certain marvel movies are shit even if they haven't seen that movie, they will also ignore the fact that marvel are alot more original and actually take risks as DC have only used 3 characters on the big screen (batman several times, superman several times and the green lantern (major flop)).
Heathe is an absolute DC Fanboy
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Its cum from triggered fans, mainly over characters they hate.
Its used in a mocking why, as to laugh at their hate toward that character.
"Welp, Luke died and I'm a may-sue, time to drink those Fanboy tears"
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The obsessed guys who dress up like their favorite movie, tv show or superhero character. fanboy, fan boy, fangirl, fan girl, Marvel, DC Comics, convention, Comic Con, superhero, costume, cosplay
I'm a fanboy fanatic when it comes to Batman. My costume is exactly like his suit in Batman Begins.
Someone who idolizes Sony's Playstation by trying to defend or idolize Sony's actions no matter how bad or good they are. Longtime "enemies" of Playstation Fanboys are Nintendo and especially Xbox. They brag over Xbox users in how they have better exclusives and over Nintendo users in how they have better graphics and hardware. A new enemy for the fanboys are the PC master race who have been receiving Sony's old exclusives for a few months now. This is one of the rare occurrences that Playstation fanboys have been attacking Sony's choice to do this. They often make Youtube videos or posts on Reddit explaning how console exclusives should be preserved and how the PS5 is the ultimate platform with the best hardware, with most of the Playstation users unaware in how their own hardware actually works.
Someone: I play on Xbox/Nintendo/PC
Playstation Fanboy: Playstation is better for reasons x,y,z (often with a passive aggressive or whiny sounding tone)
Someone who is obsessed with the airline TUI and likes to make multiple liveries so they have the entire fleet. Obsessed with realism, Want to fly the 737, Have a Project Fly Log that is 2000 pages long.
Wow, that guy flies like 50 times a day, he must be a TUI Fanboy.