a fidget spinner is something you friend will brag about because he bout a pack of 10 for $20 and you own one. he most likely has cases for them because they are supposedly rare but he found them on amazon.
your friend: yooo look at my fidget spinners
you: i don't care
your friend: but they have cases and they are rare
you: again i don't care
The autistic guy was going to make some random shouts again, then he started fidgeting his fidget spinner and so he got calm for the next 30 minutes
Toy used for opposite effect it should do
I got a new fidget spinner
An object used in by an autistic person to relieve themselves from stress or used by 8th graders who wanna do some dope ass trick shots for there Youtube channel.
Yo homie watch this sick trick I'm about to do with my Fidget Spinner