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The Stang Gang

A group of super cool dudes that cruise Tampa FL with their colostomy bags in tow. Fighting the good fight about street racing while oogling and awwing at videos posted about it. The ultimate Anti-Drama Car club in the world...Unless you don't agree with ALL their views, in which case picture "Seinfelds" Soup Nazi on dialosis.

There goes the stang gang.
Whats that smell?
Oh, that?
It's just their colostomy bags bro.

For those loving the policing styles of the old German SS, theres always The Stang Gang.

by Max McGee November 27, 2007

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gang sign

A gesture made with the hands to signify what gang and set youre from. gang signs can get you killed if you do them in the wrong part of town.

some little wanksta came up in herre throwin up the rollin 60s gang sign and we blasted his lil ass.

by Angelacia May 24, 2007

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The Chain Gang

1. An old expression in which you were thrown in jail, put in chains, and had to work.

2. A banned Mickey Mouse cartoon in which Mickey was in a chain gang.

1. Greg isn't with us anymore. He is now a member of the chain gang.

2. The reason this short was banned was because it showed Mickey chewing tobacco, mild violence, and Mickey repeatedly being wacked in the balls.

by Sir Tiki June 20, 2005

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juche gang

A term often used among Leftists to describe those who follow North Korea’s ruling Juche ideology and usually, by extension, Kim Jong Un

Comrade 1: Gee I went to that Leftist club during lunchtime yesterday and all they were talking about was Kim Il Sung

Comrade 2: Ah, looks like Juche Gang have infiltrated the club then

by Slav Man November 3, 2019

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girdie gang

A group of close friends, normally in highschool, who are the middle of the social class totem pole.

Hey look here comes the Girdie Gang, together as usual

by Braden_0703 November 17, 2019

ernie gang

The only gang worth joining. Founded by youtuber Alpharad. Ernie Gang has taken over the bar after Firefox was forced out of it by Ernie Gang

Urban Dictionary is now property of Ernie Gang

by ChexManiac December 31, 2018

Artificial Ganges

A relatively new innovation in India: a bathroom.

Hey Pradeep, did you hear that they just installed a brand new Artificial Ganges in Jaipur?

by matarpaneer July 25, 2012