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Gender Euphoria

The feeling a trans person gets when he/she/they are able to start presenting as the gender they identify as and people start treating them accordingly

When they used my proper pronouns, my gender dysphoria became gender euphoria

by Black_berry September 13, 2018

13524πŸ‘ 11283πŸ‘Ž


When a character gets turned into the opposite gender through a variety of ways.
The most common way is through a gender bender

Person: Yo I just got gender-bent bey this really weird person
Other Person in covorsation: Yo hook me up!!1!1!! I wanna get gender-bent

by ThatGuyWhoMakesMemes May 24, 2019

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Gender critical

The stance that it is sex, not gender, that should categorize people as men and women. It denies that trans women are actual women, and trans men are actual men. Gender critical people consider sex to be more important than gender in most contexts, especially when talking about female oppression.

Gender from their POV only consists of sexist stereotypes that should be abolished, not encouraged. According to them, anybody can be as feminine or masculine as they want, no matter what their sex is. It does not change whether they are a man or a woman. They usually don't believe a person can "choose" their pronouns, but that they simply refer to a person's sex.

They are often called TERFs by others, but consider this a slur and inaccurate. TERF implies that their feminism excludes all trans people, which is false - it actually includes trans men.

"What, you don' t believe trans women are women!??"
"No, I'm gender critical. Trans women are men and trans men are women."

by MythDestructor February 14, 2022

80πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Beomgyu gender

Beomgyu gender is a gender based on Beomgyu in his β€žlover = loserβ€œ era. He is wearing a skirt and looks like both male and female so if you identify as beomgyu gender you are both: Female and male who likes to dress feminine and masculine at the same time.

β€žyo whats your genderβ€œ
β€žbeomgyu genderβ€œ

by skztxtlover August 15, 2021

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Gender Terrorist

An individual who usually identifies as gender fluid and tries to push these fluid terms on to the rest of society. Gender terrorists usually deploy an arsenal of logical fallacies, claims of discrimination against them, actual discrimination against others and bullying in an attempt to invoke special treatment.

Person 1: "My baby is not a boy just because he has male genitals and I thank you to stop using such statements"
Person 2: "Yeah ok Gender Terrorist, what pronoun should i use then?"

by LemonySnickets January 17, 2017

37πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

gender roles

Stupid rules that shouldn't exist. They say what people should and shouldn't do, based off their gender.

Matthew can't play with Barbies, or wear pink, because of gender roles, and because he's a boy.

by Misses Sexy Ass Nigger September 22, 2015

252πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

Gender Pronouns

The new way of seeking attention, and the "politically correct" way of saying he or she.

Did you hear Lizzie getting pissed off because i called her the wrong Gender Pronouns?

by 8d1 October 21, 2020

187πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž