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national guard

another name for the "Steel Reserve" brand of beer .

"Whoa, this national guard has 6% alcohol! Bud light is only 3.25%!"
"yea, Its really cheap and strong, its what I use so that I can actually make the dirty with lauren."

by Atlas' Rage May 23, 2005

34πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

Color Guard

The name for a person of the opposite sex that act as if they're more attractive than the average attractive person, but are in actualality far below sub par. Normally playing hard to get, the average Color Guarder is seen as an obstruction from what you are exactly trying to see, such as a clock, the blackboard, or an elephant. Does not pertain to someone at least semi-attractive. Originates from the term Color Guard meaning the portion of a school band the waves the school flag and colors. These people are over pompous because of their position and place among the social ranks, and have much bigger heads than they should (in a non-literal sense, though they're actual heads may be enlarged due to their imparing hideousness).

*Alex quickly glimpses at a movement in the corner of his eye, just to find the site of a fat chick coincidentally having the same experience as he.*

"Oooh, boy, why you lookin', you can't have this! I'm lookin' gooooood! Playa please, ya'll will never get something THIS good lookin'!"

Alex: "I-... I'm sorry, excuse me, I wasn't looking at - "

Color Guard: "Boy, I know you want this but mm, mm, mm, you ain't havin' this! Uh-uh-uh!"

by Persephone's Vacuum January 22, 2005

53πŸ‘ 233πŸ‘Ž

Color Guard

A group of girls who are often to fugly to make the cheerleading squad.

Those girls will never make cheerleading, they are in the color guard unit for sure.

by White_sox November 1, 2005

81πŸ‘ 398πŸ‘Ž

The Iron Guard


He's with The Iron Guard= He's with the fascists

by Iisus Hristos November 27, 2016

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Redstar Guard

1.(n) A lower rank guard of the Redstar Resistance, usually volunteered or newly drafted.

The Redstar Guard stood perfectly still while guarding the Air Resistance Base of Russia as Nikolai,the best Redstar Agent Redstar Forces had ever seen, ran through the gates for air transport to Chicago, America.

by Nikolai September 6, 2003

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Queen’s Guard

A sex act involving two or more men having anal intercourse from behind in a single line; while one woman is position at the front of the line of men engaged in vaginal intercourse with the β€œfirst man”, also from behind. Most commonly used to humorously explain why the β€œfirst man’s” baby may resemble a close friend.

The couple’s baby has blonde hair like their friend due to the Queen’s Guard they all performed last year.

by Zelg May 15, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

ladris guard

Someone who is obsessed with specific parts of Lord of The Rings(Ladris).

Person: Look at my Lord of the Rings tattoo about Ladris.

You: Are you a fucking ladris guard?

by SaltyBacon July 26, 2017

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