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Couch Patrol

When a guy goes to a party and sits on the couch waiting for drunk, fat girls.

Nick: Are we gunna get crunked at the jam tonight?

Uncle James:Nah B I'm on couch patrol

Nick: You're dust!

by Big N64 February 26, 2009

Couch Denter

An ass cheek carving on couch cushions: The art of sitting home all day, not working and leaving the undeniable ass prints on a brand new/used sofa.

Guy 1: Hey dude what does your wife do for a living? Mine is making some serious cash as an Nurse.

Guy 2: My Wife is a professional Couch Denter, she sits at home, watches TV and pretends she works for the Nielsen ratings while her fat ass in on the couch.

by StiffPigeon October 29, 2011

Couch Method

In the video game "osu!" Couch method is used to describe someone's score as "shit acc" or "mashed" which in short means it requires no skill

"ha nice play, but that couch method doe"

by Xsub August 22, 2021

Couch Strike

a strike thrown from the seated position (usually a couch) in wii bowling, thus elevating the game to an entirely new level.

Dave was throwing strikes and then I challenged him to up the game and bowled a couch strike.

by lolita83 July 5, 2009


When you are high from smoking marijuana and you experience a unique phenomenon during which Your skeleton is too heavy for your muscles to support you're on able to move or struggle severely, if you do move.

I just can't keep walking to the kitchen every time I want another slice of cake. I have acute couch-lock right now.

by four.25 October 1, 2019

Couch potato

When your watching the same tv show all day and it was 11:00 am now its 5:00 o'clock and you realize your stuck on the couch

Bob: dude I can get up
Joe: why?
Bob: because I am becoming a couch potato, dont ruin my zen!

by You know what I mean January 5, 2021

couch dweller

A person who, buy there own choice, has no one place to live but "stays" with different friends and relatives usually until the welcome is worn out then moves to a different couch.

We will never be able to track this guy down because he's a couch dweller.

Don't write the bond on that guy as he is obviously a couch dweller.

by The King of Dinner Time September 14, 2014