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Advanced boring

probably the conference call you're on right now

Holy shit this meeting with the Bob's is advanced boring

by supaflysnooka April 15, 2020

crashing bores

bore is a singular noun for something that is boring, unexciting, and just plain yawn-inducing

and crashing gives a kind of exageration to the word bore, in this case.

so it means like an idiot a really boring person, which one have nothing to say. Non contribution to the world

the world is full of crashing bores - MORRISSEY

the world ... is design for crashing bores, and I must be one cause no one ever turns to me to say: take me in your arms and love me love me .....

great song, you should listen it. NOW!

by klangwiedergabe November 18, 2009

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bore tongue

Pierced tongue, provided for oral sex

β€œBore tongue that’s the best”

by Mcr.... January 28, 2018

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boring stick

a person who is so boring their presence ruins any social gathering

dont invite robertson and hit our night out with the boring stick!

by dhrotky June 7, 2018

Boring fuckers

People who bore the fuck outta others just by being themselves or by following others as there own existence is pointless as they go through life using other peoples ideas..

1. Go to urbandictionary.com and search your first name, copy and paste this as ur status and put the first entry as a comment on Facebook.. Doin this makes you a follower of Boring fuckers and you too will become 1..

2. Constantly sending on 'Chain emails' and participate by doing what someone else has instructed you to do..Yet again you have just been welcomed to the Boring fuckers club..

3. Posting the same shite over and over again just cos no1 was interested the 1st time.. If it was annoyin the 1st time, then the 2nd,3rd and 4th times are even more fuckin annoyin.. Oh if you do this you are def a Boring fucker!..

4. Annoyin the fuck outta Mr L Burns by doing all of the above..

by Lee Mad As Toast February 5, 2010

Lil Bored

The perfect example of 21st century humor..... Also an excellent editor

Will you get bored watching Lil Bored?

by DebacleMavrick June 1, 2021

door bore

boring twats who say "bye" then hang around the doorway for 3 weeks boring you to fucking death,just go home.

look, another door bore,kick the bastard out.

by tragbo August 31, 2006

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