a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active.
short for "involuntary celibate". often built like a discord mod, probably uses reddit, gets no bitches, says the hard r while being whiter than Wonder Bread, smells like Axe body spray and/or B.O., plays COD, and hates alpha males like andrew tate. Has never felt the touch of another woman except that of his mother when she handed him snackies as a child.
synonyms: shawley#8316
he uses the hard r *and* makes misogynistic jokes? wow, what a fucking incel.
a person (9/10 times, male) who gets no bitches.
A: yo, did you hear, derrick got reject for the 18th time
P: yeah, hes an incel
A: ohhh makes sense
Someone who disagrees with lonely cat ladies and male virgins (typically far-left communists with no social life outside of the internet) on Reddit.
Normal Person: I don't find obese land whales on Reddit attractive.
Lonely Cat-Lady: "I'm getting incel vibes".
An Involuntarily Celebate person or a person who wants to have sex, but fails to attract anyone towards them.
You see Daire over there? Hes 48 and is still a virgin, he's a discord mod on r/greenday as well!
What an incel
A term some women use to refer to a man who doesn't simp for women.
Also used during an internet argument by women (or some men) when they're losing the argument to a man.
"You're using logic? you're an Incel!"