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jacks insanity

a super hero DJ on realpunkradio.com
he's like cheese on crackers, peanut butter on waffles,

he is truly amazing.

Damn, that jacks insanity is a beast of a punk show dj!

by jocstrappaperweight January 3, 2011

3👍 13👎

Among Us Insanity

A newly identified mental disorder in which a patient repeatedly sees Among Us occur in normal objects. Examples include trash cans, fire alarms, lego pieces, and corporate logos. The plague has been silently spreading across the globe since November 2020.

Dude... everywhere I look, I only see SUS.

Same. Among Us Insanity has gotten both of us :(

by G0dz1lla March 6, 2021

Insane troll logic

A path of reasoning that usually only makes sense to the person or people using it. Insane troll logic often varries in degree and can range from sligtly different to absolutely preposterous. This is not to say Insane troll logic cannot come to a correct conclusion.

some common characteristics of insane troll logic (leaning towards the ridiculous) include...
-complete disregard for the accepted laws of physics
-Extreme ambiguity
-Excessive use or reliance on fallicious arguments.
- non sequitur
-completely absurd sometimes to the point of being ludicrous

Some Examples of the use of Insane troll logic.

Ex 1)
Bedevere: Tell me. What do you do with witches?
Crowd: Burn! Burn them up! Burn!...
And what do you burn apart from witches?
More witches!
Bedevere:So, why do witches burn?
Villager: because they're made of wood?
So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
Does wood sink in water?
Villager: No. No. No, it floats! It floats!
Bedevere: What also floats in water?
Arthur: A duck!
Bedevere: Exactly. So, logically...
Villager: If... she... weighs... the same as a duck,... she's made of wood.
Bedevere: And therefore?
Villager: A witch!

Ex 2)
"What would be nice? Hotpot? Sukiyaki? Crab is a no-no. I can't take it. Picking the flesh out of the shell drives me nuts. Why can't crabs make their shells edible? How come they didn't do anything about that during the course of evolution, might I ask?" - Haruhi Suzumiya
(Most of us can reason that crabs have shell's lest they be eaten by predators such as Haruhi Suzumiya)

by Hexacyonoferate March 8, 2009

81👍 5👎

Inanimate Insanity Infinity

Inanimate Insanity Infinity is a version of Inanimate Insanity, hosted by Salt and Pepper after winning the first contest thanks to Lightbulb pushing them after traveling back in time in the episode “Alternate Reality Show”

“Welcome to Inanimate.. Insani.. Inan-“
“Inanimate Insanity Infinity Madams.”

by Pixelator0201 January 28, 2018

Insane Brown Posse

A group of aging encopretic rappers who rap 1950s Frank Sinatra and Peggy Lee hits as a form of geriatric empowerment while openly shitting themselves at the mike.

Insane Brown Posse is seriously dope, they are the ultimate mouthpiece of octogenarians and nonagenarians everywhere!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 17, 2020

Inanimate Insanity Invitational

The third season of II (Inanimate Insanity). It was created by AnimationEpic. This fictional reality show contains 18 contestants. Half are debuters and the other half are veterans.

Alright, with our teams assembeled, it's time for the first challenge. This is inanimate Insanity. Seasonnnnnn.... 1, 2, 3, go!

-MePhone from Inanimate Insanity Invitational

by kangsaebyeokplayer67 November 22, 2021

Paintbrush Inanimate Insanity

An AMAZING character from Inanimate Insanity I love them so much mwa mwa they are so cool and I have no bias towards them at all

Me: Omga did you see the new eninmat ensanetay episode...it like... had paintbrush in it!!1!!1!!! My favorite character!!!1!!1!!!1!!!!1 I <3 Paintbrush Inanimate Insanity so much!!1!

Person 2: You are a loser they aren't even real

Me: Haha you aren't real either lmfaokoo I have no life hahahahahahahahahahhshs

by mikisakurazuka October 17, 2022

31👍 2👎