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A problem only jay can help with

.... I have a jay-ism

by Arrggghhhhhhh January 5, 2022


When you forget to take a specific customer’s details so you can’t load an order
E.g. email or date of birth

You just did a Jim-ism *facepalm*

by December 5, 2023


The ability to breathe, to think before you speak and then with a zen like ability speak your peace with conviction and strength.

By Sukari6ft

After being disrespected by Mayo monkeys, she summoned her ketanji-ism and continued .

by Sukari6ft March 26, 2022


the ability to breathe, to think before you speak, and then with a zen-like ability, speak your peace with conviction and strength.

Judge Jackson displayed so much ketanji-ism during her confirmation hearing.

by ABCProperTea March 25, 2022

The "ism"

Short for severe crippling alcoholism. When someone drinks so much alcohol on a daily basis, they don't merely have a drinking problem. They got the "ism"

Dude! You drink a big dirty of vodka every morning to stop your shaking. Bro! You don't just drink. You got the "ism"!

by Ksmokinggun79 November 27, 2022


A term referring to how Jasons speak.

Examples include:
"She dummy thicc"

"Pause... big pause"
"if it ain't snowing I ain't going"
"He's gay for sure"
"Down bad"
"Aight bruh"
"Imma pull up"
"Lakers in 4"

"Hey Arianne, wanna learn some Jason-isms?" "Aight bruh"

by humd July 27, 2022


A movement often performed by mr.D'ambra. Inspiration comes from mr.White's slang "skisme"


by proud member of tja squad April 3, 2024