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Jack tried to burn down my house and rape my wife, so I Israeled him

by Larry the bulldog January 9, 2024

83๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of complaining about something that is not yours, never has been and yet you lie to the world claiming it is.

I know that Aaron and his family lived on that property for ages, but I want it and no one else wants me, so I will say the property is mine. Aaron stole my property.

I have been Israeled.

by THE TRUTH ABOUT THE LAND January 31, 2024

187๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being immediately helped with an effective and comprehensive emergency response team when faced with a natural disaster

Many countries, such as Turkey, Syria, Sri Lanka, Japan and Haiti are very thankful to the State of Israel after having been quickly Israeled when faced with natural disasters.

by Pete9999 January 23, 2024

107๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


When person just takes something of yours, and makes the world believe it was his in the first place, and the world supports him.

-Haha, your things are mine now!
- I just got Israeled!

by Catgameplay February 17, 2024

36๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone steals something, says that they can share it, then permanently takes it.And when you try to get it back, they kill you.

"Man, you can't believe what happened to me at the restaraunt today.A random person stole my seat then hit me with a glass when I tried to get it back. "Bro, you just got israeled" "Frrr"

by Middy Giddy February 1, 2024

54๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž


Israeled is defined as thanklessly saving lives.

Yahya Sinwar was Israeled when they successfully operated his brain tumor.

Turkey was Israeled in 2011 and 1999 when more than 430 search and rescue teams set up a field hospital after the earthquakes and delivered more than 15 cargo planes with hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid.

18-year-old Gazan, Shahad, was Israeled Sept 2023 when she got the same pacemaker as Netanyahu for free through the Save A Child's Heart Foundation.

by genius-minded January 5, 2024

125๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term used by hip modern humanitarians on Twitter/X that totally don't hate Jews. So, they would never say someone "Jewed" them. They say "Israeled" them instead. Nazis marching in Charlottesville chanted "Jews will not replace us". They would say "Zionists will not Israel us". Totally different. "Jewing" was something bad outdated racists used to say to refer to stingy/cheap Jews, or just Jews screwing you over generally as 9/10 racists agree Jews are always doing and plotting toward as a global cabal. People figured out this was racist AF tho, so now you have to say Israeled to mean THOSE PEOPLE are all thieves instead, which is at least 0-1% more mask on with its racism. Plus your Twitter followers might think you know something about geopolitics rather than just hating Jews, which you do, and that's a neat bonus.

Two modern humanitarians that totally don't hate Jews talking about how best to free Palestine:
Terminally online person 1: I just came up with a final solution for the Je... Zionist problem.
Terminally online person 2: Bro, you just Israeled Hitler out of his well deserved credit.
Terminally online person 1: That's antisemitic AF
Terminally online person 2: I said you Israeled him, not that you Jewed him. We're talking about Zionists anyhow, right?
Terminally online person 1: Oh my bad. I identify as a hyper-marxist anti-fascist anti-racist, and that sounded kinda in racist for a second. Anyway have you seen these crazy Talmud quotes and these funny hats? The Zionists will not Israel us, that's for sure.

by GlippityGlopGlop January 26, 2024

117๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž