A meaty treat, served warm from the sausage delivery apparatus of a hairy bravarian man; usually diagonally across the face of a willing lady.
Sandra the milkmaid tried not to retch as Herr-spunk the gestapo officier treated her to a steaming Berlin Beef Kebab.
omg whens national kebab day?
awhh mate 14th of feb
When you and your friends are so hungry, you decide to skip school to go eat something instead (for example: kebab or McDonalds)
Person 1: You think the teacher knows about our Kebab hours?
Person 2: Nah man relax. Hes so old hes lucky to even remember his own name!
A timeframe of 2 hours that a person takes to at a doner kabab
*Andrew buys kebab at 2am*
*finishes eating it at 4am*
Maddy: Damn you seriously took a whole kebab hours to eat that thing
Andrew: *licks fingers* yup I’m still hungry tho
Sheeeesh Kebab is a phrase you say to show excitement or to use in situations where you don't know what to say. Commonly used by wannabe chads or gangsta. Often the word chicken is added in between.
Person 1- My uncle passed..
Person 2-....
Person 2- Sheeeesh Kebab
Or Else
Person 2- Sheeeesh Chicken Kebab
When a man defecates, surrounds his penis in his own fecal matter, and inserts into the mouth of another person.
John: "Yeah dude! I totally gave her the old Kansas Kebab!"
Mike: "Hell yeah, bro! The student has become the master!"
Ibn (son) of a goat
Like agueros son
Like ronaldos son
Ibn kebab: son of kebab
“Wow you are kebabs son? I want to fuck your dad