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Kerri Underwood

Twin sister of country music artist Carrie Underwood; her career took a (literal) seat when she tragically lost her leg in a bear trap incident

Fyi kerri underwood is 10000x hotter in person

by T576859 August 22, 2021

kerry baker

AKA the 22 stone milf. A PHAT MILF who spoils her kids and has 5.6 x 10³ chins. Her kid is a racist and pedo.

U heard about Kerry baker g?
No, why?
She's a MILF!!!

by June 6, 2022

John Kerry

Choosing to travel in your own vehicle when car/Jet pooling is easy and an option then going on to lecture people about how you're saving the environment

Sally declined the lift to Lake Tahoe and chose to John Kerry her way alone in her own Range rover.

by whattingh January 12, 2024

john kerry

A moderate Democratic Senator, different ranking methods rate him between the 12th and 22nd most liberal Senator, he is in the center of the Democratic Party. Voted for the Iraq War. During the Democratic primary most people said they voted for him for no other reason than him being "electable". In exit polls 80% of the people who voted for Kerry said they were going on what they had seen on TV, 20% had actually researched all of the candidates. It was the opposite for Dean, 80% of the people who had voted for Howard Dean had researched all of the candidates. He was not a "flip-flopper", he never changed his mind on an issue, but on many issues he was deliberately vague. Contrary to Republican propaganda he did have one consistent position on Iraq.

Even though Kerry was such a poor candidate, Bush won with the smallest margin of victory for a sitting president in U.S. history. Bush received 2.5% more than Kerry; the closest previous margin won by a sitting President was 3.2% for Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

I'm sick of the Democratic Party nominating conservative Democrats, it's time to have a real liberal like Dennis Kucinich run for President. I will admit that Kerry was slightly better than Clinton or Gore.

by Juan Gomez May 30, 2005

john kerry

A moderate Democratic Senator, different ranking methods rate him between the 12th and 22nd most liberal Senator, he is in the center of the Democratic Party. Voted for the Iraq War. During the Democratic primary most people said they voted for him for no other reason than him being "electable". In exit polls 80% of the people who voted for Kerry said they were going on what they had seen on TV, 20% had actually researched all of the candidates. It was the opposite for Dean, 80% of the people who had voted for Howard Dean had researched all of the candidates. He was not a "flip-flopper", he never changed his mind on an issue, but on many issues he was deliberately vague. Contrary to Republican propaganda he did have one consistent position on Iraq.

Even though Kerry was such a poor candidate, Bush won with the smallest margin of victory for a sitting president in U.S. history. Bush received 2.5% more than Kerry; the closest previous margin won by a sitting President was 3.2% for Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

I'm sick of the Democratic Party nominating conservative Democrats, it's time to have a real liberal like Dennis Kucinich run for President. I will admit that Kerry was slightly better than Clinton or Gore.

by j05h May 16, 2005


A sexxy girl who wants to buy the siphone only she will get it she is the kindest person u will ever meet until u get on the wrong side of her. She has infinity friends cause she is amazing

Created by keriann

OMG there is a squad kerri-lei must be coming

by Kezzybear1 January 9, 2018

Pull A Kerry

To crash a gathering of people in a public place simply based on the knowledge of said gathering, not by invitation.

Phil totally tried to pull a Kerry last night. I told him I was on a date at Denny's and he showed up!"

by RCamo November 15, 2010