A indo-european italic language spoken in the Latium region of Central Italy . The ancestor of the spanish, portuguese, french, italian, romanian, catalan, occitan, galician, provensal. A language that give a lot of insults vocabulary to romanian
Futue tu(fuck yourself) - >Romanian-Fute-te
Pullus/puius/(small animal/chicken) - > In romanian it derives in pula/pula/(dick) and pui/puj/(small animal/chicken)
Latin is suck of an interesting language but hard because of its 6 cases and 3 declesions.
a fuckall language which makes no sense and should be destroyed because it is a pain to work with in school
hey do you speak latin? go fuck urself!
Latins are very hot and mostly have a firm penis that will tickle you to death. Also Latins are usually very short and some times only grow to be 5’6
Latin is very sexy and he has a big cock
A language that was invented in Italy that has now since died out but is still used by biologists.
"Do you still even use Latin?"
A slur similar to "Latinx" used by racist white people to describe Latin Americans.
Person 1: A just dug a pit for the the latines so we can all piss.
Person 2: Did you mean "latrine"
Person 1: I meant what I said.
“Itsyay ationalnay igpay atinlay ayday” (It’s national pig Latin day!)
😱: Messenger Add Oak Are The Leader Of Latin Count, Kings, Queens, And Latinx.