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A indo-european italic language spoken in the Latium region of Central Italy . The ancestor of the spanish, portuguese, french, italian, romanian, catalan, occitan, galician, provensal. A language that give a lot of insults vocabulary to romanian

Futue tu(fuck yourself) - >Romanian-Fute-te
Pullus/puius/(small animal/chicken) - > In romanian it derives in pula/pula/(dick) and pui/puj/(small animal/chicken)

Latin is suck of an interesting language but hard because of its 6 cases and 3 declesions.

by Your Mom420 69 August 19, 2020


a fuckall language which makes no sense and should be destroyed because it is a pain to work with in school

hey do you speak latin? go fuck urself!

by BkGeon November 30, 2018


Latins are very hot and mostly have a firm penis that will tickle you to death. Also Latins are usually very short and some times only grow to be 5’6

Latin is very sexy and he has a big cock

by Big peen small balls February 11, 2019


A language that was invented in Italy that has now since died out but is still used by biologists.

"Do you still even use Latin?"

by yogha February 29, 2024


A slur similar to "Latinx" used by racist white people to describe Latin Americans.

Person 1: A just dug a pit for the the latines so we can all piss.
Person 2: Did you mean "latrine"
Person 1: I meant what I said.

by MonstahSlayah April 17, 2024

National pig Latin day

April 15th

“Itsyay ationalnay igpay atinlay ayday” (It’s national pig Latin day!)

by Charl3s12 April 13, 2023

Messenger Add Oak Are The Leader Of Latin Count, Kings, Queens, And Latinx.


😱: Messenger Add Oak Are The Leader Of Latin Count, Kings, Queens, And Latinx.

by InterpersonalCommunication February 17, 2025