Source Code

schnoo's law

"Schnoo's Law": The ones who are preaching the loudest on Sunday morning were out sinning the most on Saturday night.

A famous Louisiana Senator followed the mandates of Schnoo's Law when, after proclaiming the virtues of family values, was caught dating a prostitute.

by manny morgan August 4, 2007

373๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Law & Order

Extremely popular crime drama series created by Dick Wolf. Unlike most such shows, which usually focus on either detectives or the criminal suit itself but never both, each Law & Order episode usually covers one murder case from discovery of the body, through the police investigation and resulting trial(s) and ends with a conviction, acquittal, or plea bargain.

Also unlike most police shows it does not show the process in a stylized or purely glamorous light but tries to portray it with more realism; dirty DA politics and bringing the wrong person to trial are not rare subplots.

Put a Jewish cop who's daughter was murdered with a partner with an ailing wife and you have a pretty generic cop show. Add in a district attorney who's often more interested in playing politics than solving crimes and his win-at-all-costs bulldog assistant DA, and you have Law & Order.

by Bogus August 10, 2005

70๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Darby's Law

The social law that if you hear a reference to an arcane or forgotten word, idea, or person, you will encounter that word, idea, or person again in the near future.

"Yesterday, I learned the word 'soporific,' and then it was used on the Daily Show tonight! It's Darby's Law!"

"Oh my god. There was a major Darby's Law today. I hadn't heard about Bill Nye the Science Guy in years until we talked about him in English class. Then he was in my science textbook the next period."

by SamDub January 10, 2006

91๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Homie Law

-Kiss your homies goodnight
-If you decide to have intercourse with a homie make sure to say thank you afterwards or its homiesexual
-No kissing past 12
-Make sure everyones aware of the homielaws so they know whats good

Steve broke homie law he kissed me for to long last night he didn't even say thank you, I think he's a homiesexual

by HomieLawAbidingCitizen June 11, 2019

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Drunkenmiller's Law

Similar to Godwin's Law, this law states that the longer a online political debate continues the more likely it is that someone will bring up George W. Bush, typically totally out of context. When this occurs the person who invokes Drunkemiller's Law has lost the argument and the thread should be closed.

"I've always thought that Jimmy Carter was an overrated president."

"Well, at least he's better than Bush! WORST PRESIDENT EVER!"
Drunkenmiller's Law

by Strictnein December 20, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mother in law who is overly involved and intrusive in your marriage so that you feel smothered by her presence.

My smother-in-law has announced that she is going to stay in our (small!) house for a few more weeks.

by oversharin June 6, 2009

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Tomar's Law

When in public or watching a form of media if a buff, bald man with a semi bushy beard is seen at any point, the viewer will instinctively say "Look Tomar it's you"

"Look Tomar it's you!"

'Who the fuck is Tomar'

"Sorry, Tomar's Law"

by Solothurns August 27, 2021

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