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Lazy Palin

A sex act in which the girl does nothing but lie there and recite anti-Obama propaganda.

Craigslist: SWM seeking F for Lazy Palin. Serious replies only.

by thatguydr August 19, 2010

lazy favor

An obligatory act of kindness that benefits an individual who is in a relaxed and/or partially capacitated state.

"Wanna do me a lazy favor my brother and grab me a CL Smoothie out of the fridge"

by C Danger January 2, 2009

Failed Laziness

The act of doing more work while trying to do less work due to laziness.

I didn't want to carry all that crap to the trash so I walked all the way to the side yard to get the wheel barrow when all I had to do was get the dolly from the garage. Such failed laziness.

by Rabidmogwai March 6, 2009

lazy blueberry

(ley-zee-bloo-ber-ee): a "lazy blueberry" is the name for a testicle that has fallen asleep during any kind of rigorous activity. The ball falls asleep because blood rushes from it to your extremities. This most often occurs during the act of masturbating and sometimes while swimming or playing basketball. This almost never happens while using the restroom.

Yesterday I got a lazy blueberry while sprinting to the mail box. My porn didn't arrive.

by JohnnyBanger May 31, 2009

lazy kneeler

N. One who is a lazy kneeler at church by kneeling, yet leaning against the pew with their butt. Lazy kneelers are kneeling/sitting.

"Get your butt off the pew and kneel straight. Don't become a lazy kneeler!"

by braddowney1217 December 30, 2010

link lazy

The state of being too lazy to click a link and read its associated content. The most common cause of link laziness is for one to be overwhelmed by the amount of information available on an online forum or news site. Someone who is link lazy would prefer to hover their arrow over a link title to view a brief snapshot of the content, in order to decide if the text or story is worth reading, rather than to click the link and read the whole post or article on its own page.

While skimming the news on Google, I ran across a link titled, "Mel Gibson Tells Jay Leno About His Eighth Child: 'I Guess I'm ...", and I just wasn't interested enough to read the rest of what he said. I'm so link lazy.

by Johnny on the Spot81 May 26, 2009

Lazy Gentleman

An act usually performed by a male in which he offers to get the door for a female and opens said door by pushing the door's handicap button. Often followed by the woman being allowed to enter the door first simply because the handicap button puts the man farther from the door than the woman.

Cindy: How was your date with John last night?

Suzie: Horrible... he took me out to a really crappy restaurant, made ME pay for his meal, and even pulled a Lazy Gentleman on our way in.

Cindy: What a total douche!

by mkmtrumpeter April 6, 2009

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